www.ichiroya.com Dear ICHIROYA newsletter readers, "I have a pen. I have an apple. Oh, apple pen." Do you know that? It is PPAP(Pen Pineapple Apple Pen) song by Piko Taro. His dancing and lyrics are really simple, but so hilarious. Kids lo…
Dear ICHIROYA newsletter readers,How are you doing? This is Mitsue writing again.Christmas is just around the corner, and we have many things to do at this time. During the busy days, I enjoyed making Christmas wreath of preserved flowers.…
Dear Ichiroya newsletter readers, Last month, my family celebrated our second son's "Shichigosan", The Seven-Five-Three Festival, at the shrine in our neighboor. It is a traditional rite of passage and festival event in Japan for three- an…
Hello everyone, Ogenki desuka? This is Yoko writing. Ah, persimmons in my garden are gone, some are eaten by my beagle Marin... and ones on top have been eaten by crows. But oranges are ripe now and I am saving them for Oshogatsu. :) We ar…
Kimono #330298 Kimono Flea Market Ichiroya Dear Ichiroya newsletter readers, This is Nagisa from Ichiroya. Hi! There is only one month left this year, and Christmas is around the corner. The other day, I went to the Marimekko exhibition in…
Hello, ICHIROYA News Letter Readers!This is Mei again :D How have you been? I'm fine, and still enormous appetite since autumn.( it's for cold winter! haha) Last week, I went to one art festival in Mt.Rokko, Kobe, Hyogo. That is "Rokko Mee…
Keiko | Flickr Hello, this is Mitsue. How are you? It is getting cooler and cooler, and we feel autumn sky which is clear and serene. But auntum sky is easy to change, so it is often compare to a woman's heart. Do you agree to it? The othe…
Hello from Yuka. Ogenki desuka? How are you? I am very happy to write this newsletter this time. The past newsletters written by our young staff are so interesting, and this time it is my turn, I am writing this newsletter as one grandmoth…
Special Price! Charming 5 Beaded Bag Sethttps://www.ichiroya.com/item/list2/344529/ Dear Ichiroya newsletter readers, This is Mari. I can't believe that October is almost over! We have only two more month to go. Did you already started Chr…
こちらから在庫あり(即納!)商品が一挙公開! 一度にご覧いただけます。 ↓ kimonotte factory(キモノッテファクトリー)by ICHIROYA ↑ 京袋帯と半幅帯のお作りがあるものについては、それぞれ「京袋帯」か「半幅帯」を選んでクリックしてください。 ♫♫♫♫♫…
Dear Ichiroya Newsletter Readers, Hello everyone! This is Yoko again. Minasan ogenki desuka?In this newsletter, I would like to talk about the Matsuri event we had over the weekend and also my must-have winter heating device, Kotatsu! The …
Dear Ichiroya Newsletter readers, Hi! This is Nagisa from Ichiroya. I was also named after my birth month. I was born in midsummer. So, I was named "Nagisa" which means an ocean or beach in Japanese. To tell the truth, I don't like summer …
Hello, ICHIROYA News Letter Readers! It's my turn (ツ)_/¯ YEAH! This is Mei (ツ)_/¯ Doumo! Guess what, why my name is "MEI". I'm sorry for bringing this subject all of sudden. I'll give you an answer later! hehe Anyway, how have you been? …
tonko43 Dear ICHIROYA Newsletter Readers, Konnichiwa from ICHIROYA. This is Mitsue. Ogenki desuka? In Osaka, it is getting cooler day by day and I'm enjoying the best season of a year! Yes, autumn is the harvest season with full of delicio…
***京袋帯 モチーフ:鳥とチューリップ カラー:黒 大人の香り! 鳥とチューリップ カラー:ピンク 甘く優しい香り! そのほか 元気のでるキュートなイエロー!や、大人の紺色 (アンティークの世界へ用こそ!)もございます! ***半幅帯 フルーツ カ…
Hi, newsletter readers. This is Mari.I say summer is over in Osaka. I put all my Yukata and summer kimono away for this season. Although summer is short, I enjoy wearing them so much.I received emails from some of readers who tried the "Fu…
A.Davey Dear Ichiroya Newsletter Readers, Konnichiwa from Yoko again! Ogenki desuka?Hope everyone had a nice summer! (for those in the southern hemisphere, enjoyed your winter?)Well, it is very difficult to write a newsletter after Nagisa'…
***半襟 モチーフ:よろけ縞 カラー:黒 モチーフ:犬の足跡 カラー:白 モチーフ:水玉に鳥とバラ カラー:薄紫 モチーフ:ぼかしに鳥とバラ カラー:水色 ***帯揚げ モチーフ:幾何学に蝶 カラー:柿 モチーフ:縞と蝶02 カラー:紺色 ***半幅帯 …
Hi! This is Nagisa from Ichiroya. Guten Tag! (When I was a college student, I studied German.) Unfortunately, I do not have any T-shirts funny enough to introduce you, but here are some wonderful items instead. See the top image! These are…
こんにちは、アンティーク・リサイクル着物イチロウヤのスタッフ熊谷(くまがい)です。 本日はスタッフの磯川が!浴衣地を使って小物などを作りましたので、ご紹介させていただきますね。今回作ったものは、・日傘・親子でお揃いバッグ・団扇・お子様用のワ…
Dear ICHIROYA Newsletter readers, Hello! Bonjour! Nihao! Buon Giorno! Guten Tag! Konichiwa! These are greetings in some languages. I studied some languages at university, but... I(hi, it's Mei from Ichiroya!) just only remember easy greeti…
Konnichiwa! Ichiroya Newletter readers, This is Mitsue from ICHIROYA. Minasan Ogenkidesuka?In Japan, the temperature is still heating up and we are having sweltering summer! There is one more thing that people are in hot. It is 'Pokemon Go…
Danny Choo | Flickr Dear Newsletter readers, This is Mari at Ichiroya.By the time you read this newsletter, we are about ending up our annual summer holidays, "Obon Yasumi". "Obon" is just like "Day of the dead". Generally speaking, "Obon"…
いよいよ夏休みですね! 弊社も、13日(土)から21日(日)までお休みをいただきます。 期間中、ご不便をおかけしますが、なにとぞ、よろしくお願いします。 スタッフ一同、リフレッシュして、また、頑張ります! いくつかご連絡と近況を報告。■予告していま…
photo by mrhayata Konnichiwa! Ichiroya Newletter readers,This is Yoko again. Minasan ogenki desuka? Osaka wa totemo atsui desu!We are having sizzling hot summer days with sometimes temperatures over 37 Celsius.The temperature will get high…
photo by Brian Lauer 『ある朝、植田昭一が気がかりな夢から目覚めたとき、自分がベッドの上で一匹の犬に変ってしまっているのに気づいた』 いや、カフカを気取っている場合ではない。 正確に言うと、「犬に変わってしまった」のではない。我が家で飼ってい…
photo by Ad Blankestijn Dear Ichiroya newsletter readers, Hello! this is Nagisa from Ichiroya. How have you been in this hot weather? I feel I want to go to the sea in summer. A white beach, salty scent and sound of waves. They make me fee…
// NHK連続テレビ小説「とと姉ちゃん」(NHK総合午前8時)、ご覧になられている方も数多くいらっしゃいますよね。 ***実は、主人公の祖母役の大地真央さんや、富江役の川栄李奈さんのドラマの中での着物の幾つかはイチロウヤのものをお使いいただいておりま…
Photo by sisssouBy: sisssou 「はい、では、大手広告代理店に入れるなら入りたいと思っている人、手を挙げてみてください」 『一回生から始める就活セミナー』の講師はそう言って、50人はいるであろう学生たちを見渡した。こんな機会でも積極的である姿勢…
Dear Ichiroya newsletter readers, Hello this is Mei from Ichiroya. Did you enjoy the introduction of our staff in my last newsletter? I love working with my co-workers, everyone is so kind, powerful and charming! First of all, I want to ex…