お話しても良いでしょうか? 私:こんにちは、今日はお呼びだてしてすみません。 この着物を染められたあなたは、この頃の大変有名な染織家でいらっしゃったにちがいありません。アンティークの着物には落款や名が入っていないもので、わたしたちには誰の作…
May I talk to you? Dear Sir Thank you for taking your time to come here to talk with me, Sir. You must have been a famous dyer of the time, even though we have no clue for the kimono has no labels, no dyer's stamp, rakkan or anything. (Wel…
Konnichiwa Minasan, Ogenki desuka? Rainy season has officially started in our area, and it has been raining off and on allweek. About this time of year, after water was drawn into nearby ricepatties, insects, geckos, frogs... come back to …
Vintage Uchikake #473107 Konnichiwa Minasan! Ogenki desuka? This is Yoko writing again this week. Thank you sooooo much for your responses to my short survey from last week's newsletter. It was so much fun reading what our customers miss a…