

Kimono Flea Market ICHIROYA's News Letter No.840



Konnichiwa, this is Yoko from Ichiroya.  Minasan, Ogenki desuka?
I am calling out your names this week!! Can you hear me!!!!!!?????

We received so many responses on Yuka's newsletter from last week.
We feel very connected with our readers now more than ever. domo arigatou gozaimashita.
I know many readers are experiencing difficulties with very limited access to outside, and many of you might have concerns for the future. Please do not feel alone as I think we are all in this together.

The yellow flowers above is called 'Ryukinka' (marsh marigold) blooming in my garden.
I found one blooming quietly in my garden several years ago, but now they contain good part of my garden!!
I hope the rainbow and the yellow Ryukinka brighten your day!
Minasan issho ni Ganbari masho!

Minasan, I need to give you an update on international mailing situation by the Japan Post.
Sumimasen, we apologize for the inconvenience, but the Japan Post has announced suspension of ALL SAL packages
as of April 01 due to airline travel restrictions and cancellations on account of the spread of the Coronavirus.
We apologize for any inconvenience in this matter.
EMS to some countries are also suspended, but we will do our best to come up with the best alternative shipping method.
Please keep the orders coming! Please contact us with any questions.

Please also expect delays on all package, many are taking much longer than usual shipping time.
Thank you so much for your kind understanding and patience in this matter.

OK, back to my newsletter topic!
This time, I would like to write about 'Travel of Cotton'.
This topic was given by Ichiro a long long time ago in a mail!!!
Some of you might remember a long piece of post card with a short message from one of our employees?
If you remember getting one, then your age now is about 10 years older!!! hahaha so am I.

*Travel of Cotton* ....Travel of Kurume Kasuri....

Around 1920, cotton(I) was born in the cotton field of the USA.
I was loaded on a ship.
I landed in Yokohama.
I was sent to Kurume, Fukuoka, from Yokohama.

Around 1930, I became a bolt of Kurume Kasuri. (ta-dah)
I was sent to a Kimono retailor in Osaka, and a student bought me and I became a Kimono!
My owner died in WWII... I stayed a long time in Tansu...(zzz)

Around 2000, the child of the owner sold me to a used Kimono dealer, and Ichiro bought me!
I was listed on Ichiroya webshop.(yatta!)

Around 2005, you buy me! where should I go!


Here are some of our Kurume Kasuri fabrics we have in stock. I wonder where these Kasuri would go now?
Woud you welcome them to your family?


Here is what the post card looked like! now you remember?
I think Ichiro's hand drawing of the story and picture is so unique! don't you think?

I hope you enjoyed my newsletter.
Please be safe and stay healthy everyone!!

Have a wonderful weekend!

