

Kimono Flea Market ICHIROYA's News Letter No.702

Dear Ichiroya newsletter readers,
Hi! This is Nagisa writing again. Guess what? I finally did it! I saw Tom Brady with my own eyes! He is the famous quarterback for the New England Patriots. He visited Beijing, Shanghai and Tokyo as a part of the 2017 Tom Brady Asia Tour powered by Under Armour. I booked the Shinkansen ticket to Tokyo as soon as I heard the tour's announcement by Under Armour. Tom Brady came to Japan with heavy rain and storm. (Some Shinkansen lines were delayed by the bad weather, so I was nearly missed the great opportunity to see the greatest QB in person!) He held a quarterback clinic for high school and college players, and it can be seen anybody for free. I still can't believe that Tom Brady was calling audible and throwing passes in front of me! It became a really good memory that I can't forget forever. It's just between you and me, I'm a huge fan of Houston Texans actually.
By the way, I wore an Aloha shirt with tiger and bamboo pattern, which is known as a traditional Japanese motif.


Of course, I enjoyed the Tokyo traveling except the clinic. Shopping, go to museum (MARVEL's exhibition was just held there), and meeting a friend who lives in Tokyo. Furthermore, I was able to go to Gotokuji, where I'd wanted to go. It's located in a residential area, and known as a birthplace of 'Maneki-Neko' (lucky cat). There are so many lucky cats dedicated in Gotokuji.



Lucky cat is the most familiar good luck charm for Japanese. If you come to Japan, you can easily find it at restaurants, souvenir shops, here and there. They raise their either hand or sometimes both hands, and it's popularly believed that they bring a lot of luck to us. They also have lucky items such as 'Koban' (gold coin), mallet, 'Daruma', treasures and so on. However, Gotokuji's lucky cat is simple but tasteful. There are various types of lucky cats throughout Japan.


These 'Ema' (wooden votive table) are Imado Shrine's ones. There is also a popular spot because of its pair lucky cats. I visited there two years ago, too. Because they bring big love! Please imagine as you like whether the power worked on me. haha
*Lucky Cat Design Fukuro Obi


*Sleeping Cat Design Hon-Fukuro Obi


*Playing Cat Design Nagoya Obi


*Cat Design Obidome



*Beautiful Cat Design Kimono & Obi set


Thank you for reading till the end. To tell the truth, I can't enjoy this trip from the bottom of my heart. Because I worried about Tom Brady may appear somewhere in Tokyo. Just a kidding! Anyway, why don't you look for your favorite lucky cat? I hope you will be blessed with happiness, too!

Kimono Flea Market ICHIROYA's News Letter No.701


Dear Ichiroya newsletter readers,
Hello, this is Mitsue. How are you doing? Are you enjoying our News Letters? I hope you could feel our daily life in Japan, and find something through Japanese culture and tradition.
Two weeks ago, I visited Shirasagi(white heron) park in Sakai city, southern part of Osaka. It is famous for 'Hana-shobu'(Japanese iris) and about 100 kinds are planted on waterside. Hana-shobu is fully blooming from rainy season to early summer. Its beautiful shape and colors are very popular among Japanese. There are many kimonos and obis with Hana-shobu design. The Language of Flower of it is 'good news' and 'message', so it is a symbol of good fortune. 'Ayame' and 'Kakitsubata' are very similar flower to 'Hana-shobu'. The difference of them from Hana-shobu is having leaf vein. I was surprised to see so many kinds of Hana-shobu and I enjoyed the beautiful colors. I found a heron beside the stream! First, I thought it was a fake...but it flied away. Well, I felt like I'm in the world of folktales.



Talking about folktales, 'Tanabata' (star festival) is held on July 7th in Japan. On this day, we display bamboo grass with strips of paper and ornaments. We write wishes on the strips, because it is said that wishes come true!
'Tanabata sasa'


gracias! | Flickr

'Tanabata' is originated from the Japanese folktale of 'Oriheme'(Vega) and the 'Hikoboshi'(Altair), who are separated by the Milky Way. When 'Hikoboshi'(Altair) met 'Oriheme'(Vega) for the first time, they were attracted each other. Then they had been in love and did not take care of their cows. So a disease had spread over them. The king got angry and separated them by the Milky Way. However, they deeply regretted themselves and the king allowed them to meet only on the night of July 7th. Oh yes! July 7th is mid rainy season in Japan, so we rarely see the wonderful reunion in the night sky.


Anyway, I like enjoying tea with delicious Japanese sweets. The photo is a beautiful sweets named 'Milky way'. I have already enjoyed it in advance thinking about the Vega and Altair. It was so delicious! Thank you for reading through. Hope you have a nice day!
I"d like to introduce a fabulous piece. Please take a look!

<Houmongi with milky way design>
My favorite pieces with Japanese iris design
<Nagoya obi>

Kimono Flea Market ICHIROYA's News Letter No.700


Dear newsletter readers,
Hello, this is Fumie.
This is my second time to write a newsletter.
Two months has been passed since then, and I’m getting used to it little by little.
The start of the rainy season was announced for Osaka last week and hydrangeas and lilies in my parent's garden began blooming.
Let me show you some nice items with hydrangea.
It is the best time to wear hydrangea.
<Kimono & Yukata>



<Haneri & Obiage> These are from Kimonotte, you can buy these from ICHIROYA.

*************************************************************************************By the way, do you know "Kendo"?
Kendo is the Japanese martial art of swordsmanship.
Points are scored by striking the opponent's head, wrist or body, or by thrusting to the neck with a bamboo sword called "Shinai".
The Kendo costume and Hakama (pleated and divided skirt made in fine stripes) are worn and "Men" towel (Japanese towel) is wrapped around the head.
The kendo implements consist of four parts: the "Men"(a face mask), the "Kote" (padded gloves to protect the wrists and forearms), the "Do" (a breast
plate), and the "Tare" (a protector for the waist and groin area). 


Kyoto Kendo Vereinsturnier 2011(2)

Christian Kaden | Flickr

I went to watch the Kendo tournament that only holders of high-ranking "Rokudan"(6th degree) to "Hachidan"(8th degree) can participate.
There are not so many people having the qualification.
Especially the "Hachidan" holders are few and called "Tatsujin" (master).
The tournament is held every year in May in Kyoto Budo Center located near Heian Shrine.
It is a historical and zestful building.


From such reasons, it is very valuable to see their fights, so there were a lot of people in the center to see their brave figure.

Mentowel that I bought as a memory


It’s a cool design!
I hope that my sons practice Kendo with the Mentowels to become like them some day.
Thank you for reading through.
See you next time.

ICHIROYAニュースレター 第77号


●ICHIROYAニュースレター 第77号● 2017/6/17

サイトURL http://japan.ichiroya.com/





'The Social Life of Kimono': Innovation faces tradition in the fight to keep kimono relevant | The Japan Times



 「The Social Life of Kimono」と名づけられたこの本は イギリス出身で、たまたま日本に短期滞在で来たつもりがひょんなことからキモノに魅せられ、25年以上も日本にいるというシーラさんが今年出版書された本です。着付けの学校で2年学んだシーラさんは 今では大学教授で キモノと日本社会についての研究成果を 海外の機関誌に発表したり英国やドバイでは私物の着物コレクションの展示会、そのほか海外で友禅染のワークショップをしたり、キモノを学び広めることをライフワークとした、大変ユニークな女性です。


実は他のお客様から、「ジャパンタイムスにとっても面白い記事がのってるよ」と上記の記事を教えてもらい、面白そうな本がでたんだなとぼんやり思っていました。この本の作者がうちのお客様のシーラさんとは 気が付かなかったのです(うちにはシーラ・クリフと日本語で登録されていたので、この本の作者のSheilaさんとは気がついていなかったのです、ハズカシイ。そう言えば本を書くって言ったお客さんがいたっけ???もしや??ということでやっと気付いた次第です。それがこの本です ↓↓↓↓





この表紙の写真から ははあ、最近の若い人の自由なキモノのスタイルについて書いた本だなーもしかして古い伝統的すぎるキモノについてのアンチテーゼみたいな本かな?などと勝手に想像していました。




この本はキモノと社会の関わりについて 日本で伝統的なキモノ産業に携わる人から、海外の現在のキモノコミュニティーまで、たくさんのキーパーソンに聞き取りをして分析した、いわば「今キモノとはどんな位置にあるのか」を丁寧に取材して書かれた本です。





 日本の「KIMONO姫」というキモノをファッションとしてとらえている雑誌があるのですが、そのスタイルが大好きな海外のファンの人たちで、オンラインマガジンまでできているのです。上記がそれ!オランダをはじめヨーロッパの国々やオーストラリア、アメリカなどに住むキモノファンの人たちがクリエイティブにキモノを楽しんでいるのです。これ以外にもすでに10年以上もつづいている有名なImmortal Geisha(なんとメンバーは4千人以上)と言うキモノ好きのためのフォーラムや、日本発の「着物姿で集まって歩く」Kimono de Jack と言う催しも、まずはUKではじまり、オランダ、スペイン、アメリカ、スウェーデン・香港などなど、各地で行われています。



キモノはこれから お茶やお花をされる人たちだけに継承されていくのかな?結婚式や卒業式で着るだけ?それともキモノの将来は「コスプレ」にあるのかな?キモノの将来像が描けないままだった私ですが。



25年以上まえからキモノの色柄の美しさに素直に興味を持ち(初めて神社の市でキモノだと思って買ったものが 実は赤い襦袢!だったそうです)先入観や、偏見なくキモノを着たり、着付けをしたり、どんどんキモノの生活にはまっていきます。

シーラさんは着物を通じて色んな人と出会ううちに新しいムーブメントがあることに気づきます。日本国内では 若い作家さんがそだち、キモノを自分のファッションとしてして、ハレのときだけではなく、普段からエンジョイ!している人たちが大勢いるのです。彼女の本の中には 日本で海外で、自分でキモノを着ることを選んで楽しんでいる人たちが大勢でてきます。





"Some worry that kimono loses its kimono-ness, something of it essence, as it interacts more with western fashion. But if we look back 1,200 years and about the high clogs of young guys and the wonky back seams of fashionable countiers, we realize that these worries are probably as old as fashion itself. The kimono of tomorrow will not be the kimono ofyesterday, which is a great thing because of not one wants to be a "yesterday."



・・・とちょっとコムズカシク訳してしまいましたが、現代のファッションを見ていても 昔みたいにみんなおんなじ、その年の流行を着なくちゃ、年齢相応にねという感じがなくなってきていますね。たくさんものを持たなくても、自分らしさを出せる、そんなファッションになってきているような気がします。

 この本を見ると 気負わず自分らしく自然な感じで キモノを着てみようかなあ・・・そんな気持ちがわいてきます-と思いますがいかがでしょうか?





The Social Life of Kimono: Japanese Fashion Past and Present (Dress, Body, Culture)

The Social Life of Kimono: Japanese Fashion Past and Present (Dress, Body, Culture)





Kimono Flea Market ICHIROYA's News Letter No.699



Rain, rain, go away!  Come again another day….♪
What a nice day it is!  I can’t believe that rainy season is just around the corner. Hi! This is Nanae from Ichiroya.  This is my second newsletter.
I hope you enjoyed my first one about ‘whether Mt. Fuji exists or not.’  And I was so happy to receive comments from some newsletter readers as if I’m hearing the echoes from Mt. Fuji.  I could learn the changeability of mountain weather and menace of nature this time :p


I walked around wearing kimono in Kyoto in April.  I chose kimono with a flower design, green obi, green bag and pink stole.  My kimono knowledge is limited so I am not sure if it is OK or not.  What do you think?
I saw many people enjoy chatting, taking a walk and drinking beside sakura trees this year, too.  It is worth visiting Kyoto even though there are so many people, especially in spring and autumn.


By the way, do you know a place called ‘’little Kyoto’’ in Tondabayashi city, where Ichiroya is? 
Of course! No one knows, because I named that place little Kyoto just now.
Whenever some of my friends visit my place, my house becomes Airbnb, and I take them to ‘little Kyoto’ in my hometown.
We, including me, call it Tondabayashi Jinaimachi.  It takes us 3 minutes to get there on foot from Ichiroya.  You might know it from our newsletter in the past.


According to the website, in Jinai-machi Tondabayashi City, there remain old merchant’s houses that were built in the Edo period. A 400-meter road called Jonomon-suji Avenue runs through the middle of the Jinai-machi area from north to south. This old street has been selected by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism as one of the Top 100 Streets in Japan.


We can feel Edo era and there are not many tourists.  So we can have a relaxing time at the temple, some residences, shops, restaurant and so on.  There is a famous bakery shop, too.


Photogenic!!!  This is the picture taken at Former Sugiyama Family Residence.
Only two of us were in the place this time so no one disturbed when we took photos.
The nearby ‘little Kyoto’ is sometimes better than the distant real Kyoto.
*This is entirely just my own personal opinion. :P
Here are some of my recommendations about today’s keyword ‘Kyoto’.

●ICHIROYAニュースレター 第76号● 2017/6/9



●ICHIROYAニュースレター 第76号● 2017/6/9

サイトURL http://japan.ichiroya.com/




#331946 リサイクル 着物 大島紬
牡丹文 ひとえ カタス式7マルキ 7,850円





















2) 商品ページに寸法はあるのですが、一応、自分でも採寸しました。


3) バスタブに水を張ります。



4) シャンプーを水に溶かします。



5) いよいよシャンプー水に白大島を浸けます!ざっぶ~ん!




6) こすったり、強くもみ洗いするのはNGなので、押し洗いします。赤糸で囲んだシミ(アク?)部分は、念入りに




7) ひとしきり押し洗いをし、ハッ!と我に返ると、バスタブの中の水は薄っすら汚れている気がしました。




8) まだまだびしょ濡れの白大島を手にお風呂場を後にします。




9) 水が滴ることはなくなった状態の白大島を数時間日陰干しします。f:id:yumejitsugen1:20170409120343j:plain


10) 半乾きの状態で取り込み、アイロンを掛けます。







11) シミ(アク?)のビフォー、アフターを比較してみました。












Kimono Flea Market ICHIROYA's News Letter No.697



'The Social Life of Kimono': Innovation faces tradition in the fight to keep kimono relevant | The Japan Times




Hello from Yuka from Ichiroya.

Today, I would like to introduce this book by Sheila Cliff.



I have just finished reading the book, with a big surprise- the book was not what I have expected at all. From this photo of the cover of the book, I could imagine the book should be telling about the present kimono wearers who dresses themselves with kimono with creative and different way from traditonal style from ancient times. I thought the book must contain the antithesis for too conservative kimono world such as kimono dressing schools (who are sometimes said to be one of the obstacle for people to stay away from kimono in Japan) and must be a kind of report of new generation kimono wearers in Japan by Sheila san. I had such simple thought before reading the book.


No, it was not like that  at all. We say `me kara uroko ga ochiru' (felt like the scales fallen from my eyes) , and yes I was just like Saul.

I wish I could write all the part I was so impressed but there is so much.

The book contains the history of kimono in society(as the title of the book shows)clealy and carefully and also the most impressed thing was she had collected the voice both from the kimono makers and the wearers. Actually it is not that simple, kimono as fashion is not just producing, selling, buying and wearing. She introduces people who leads kimono industry ( or just live naturally on their own way) and had interviews of kimono wearers, both  non-Japanese and Japanese. She mentiones about the movement of kimono weares abroad too.

I was going to pick up and show the part I was interested in but I used  a highlighter pen so much as I read, there were so much inspiring part.

The review of the book on the back of this book tells what i like to say:

"Taking a material culture approach, The Social Life of Kimono is the first study to combine the history of the kimono as a fashionable garment with an in- depth exploration of its multifaceted role today on both the street and the cat walk. Through case studies coveirng historical advertizing campaigns, fashion magazines, interviews with contemporary kimono designers, large scale and small craft producers, and consumers who choose to wear them, The Social Life of Kimono gives a unique insight into the making and meaning of this complex garment."



Being a kimono seller on the net for about 18 years, I had this dilemma which I really cannot explain in short. I love my Kitsuke sensei(kimono dressing teacher), and feel priviledged to see many vintage and old kimono in person everyday, and should be happy, but I just could not have clear image of kimono for future. Both Ichiro and I feel there should be some places to keep `artistic' and rare pieces for the future. Some have historical meanings such as kimono with war motifs and also some with elaborate craftsman's work which cannot be reproduce anymore. But apart from that, `where is kimono going? ' was always in my mind. They remain for people who do tea and flower arrangement? They remain only for weddings? They remain as cosplay thing and other kimono become a legacy?


Sheila san found this new movement of kimono through her long time investigation.


I would like to quate some part from her book in the beginning and the ending:


"Some worry that kimono loses its kimono-ness, something of it essence, as it interacts more with western fashion. But if we look back 1,200 years and about the high clogs of young guys and the wonky back seams of fashionable countiers, we realize that these worries are probably as old as fashion itself. The kimono of tomorrow will not be the kimono ofyesterday, which is a great thing because of not one wants to be a "yesterday."


"When speaking about the  future of the kimono with the president of the Tansu-ya chain of second-hand kimono shops, Nakagawa Kenichi suggested that the kimono business isl ike Mount Fuji. At 3,776 meters, Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan. The cauldron at the top is relatively small; it takes an hour to walk once around it. The only reason that the volcano that is Mount Fuji could rise to 3,776 meters is the immense size of its base. There are only a few people who will support the high end of coulture kimono wearing, but this can only exist if ther is a huge base of people who wear and enjoy kimono in everyday life. Therefore selling large quantiites of cheap kimono, used kimono  and old kimono both inside and outside  Japan and decreasing the distance between the makers and markets if vital to the future of the kimono.

  In Japan, where fashion is perhaps faster than anywhere else, the kimono provides an alternative, an oppositional stand: slow, rooted, and authentic as opposed to fast anonymous, and ephemeral, an option  that is beginning to look transnational and also embodies Japaneseness. Longer lasting, rooted in time and space, kimono is the quintessential art for wearing. Kimono weares have always known tht fashion is all about how you put yourselft together, and it is this knowledge that puts them and their kimono style at the heart of what fashion is all about. Let the kmono revolution roll on!


Here is very symbolic thing, we meet Berber san ( she appears in the book too) once in a while, and we talked about Kimonotte, our website to produce new kimono using vintage design. She showed us one of her obi and a piece of fabric she likes which we might like to use the design for new obi and kimono. The design was really fresh and inspiring for us-isn't it so interesting? The vintage obi from Japan was found by a kimono lover (she is an artist) and went to the Netherlands and came back to become a new obi, to be worn both by Japanese and non-Japanese.  As Sheila san mentioned,  kimono world is supported by kimono lovers, there is no boundaries between countries nor the difference of the position, you do not have to be a specialist with a long time experience in kimono industory.

Sheila san mentiones about the role of internet for creaters, for sellers (like us) and the kimono community who  enabled to  learn how to wear kimono and became great creaters. We were so happy to find many customers' names and photos (and also the names of authors of refference books too)


The photos of the book is so wonderful. You can see many inspiring fashion photos and can have the idea what is going on with kimono at present time.

When I watch SF movies, I find people wearing tight clothing with monotone and not decorative , they all look same.  Is that our future fashion? Don't you think you like to be `colorful?' The world which people wearing favorite style in all kinds of colors-don't you think it will be much more fun?

The book was really inspiring. IF you cannnot find the book, it will cost the international postage (and the cost of the book )but we will be happy to get a copy for you.


The Social Life of Kimono: Japanese Fashion Past and Present (Dress, Body, Culture)

The Social Life of Kimono: Japanese Fashion Past and Present (Dress, Body, Culture)


