

キモノッテ 在庫ありの商品です(第2弾)



モチーフ:鳥とチューリップ カラー:黒  大人の香り!



鳥とチューリップ カラー:ピンク 甘く優しい香り!



そのほか 元気のでるキュートなイエロー!や、大人の紺色 (アンティークの世界へ用こそ!)もございます!







フルーツ カラー:ピンク 他のカラーもそろっております!




ぼかしと蝶02 カラー:薄紫 たくさん見せたい!そんな帯揚げサッシュ!




モチーフ:縞にりんご カラー:白 小さなアップルを襟元に!



幾何学にりんご カラー:紫 なんといってもアップルな気分!



モチーフ:水玉に蝶と桜 カラー:白 水玉も蝶も!はずせないんです



モチーフ:縞に鳥とバラ カラー:茶色 秋色ストライプにも鳥とバラ!




モチーフ:縞に蝶と桜 カラー:紺色 ストライプにも 蝶!



モチーフ:鳥とバラ カラー:赤 クリスマス?いえいえレッドはいつでも!


Kimono Flea Market ICHIROYA's News Letter No.663



Hi, newsletter readers. This is Mari.
I say summer is over in Osaka. I put all my Yukata and
summer kimono away for this season. Although summer is
short, I enjoy wearing them so much.
I received emails from some of readers who tried the
"Fusen-Otaiko" obi tying style after they read my last
newsletter. I'm glad that I helped them to try new
look of summer!


I visited Tomioka Silk Mill on the other day.
It is located north east of Tokyo. It takes 1hour and half
by Shinkansen(Bulit train) from Tokyo.
It is a world heritage and national treasure.
Silk was the best exported item of Japan in
Meiji period(1868-1912). Believe it or not, Japan was the largest exporter of silk at that time. When Edo period(1603-1867) ended, Japanese government promoted modernization of industries and technologies to achieve equal status with Western countries.

Exporting silk was the best way to gain foreign currency at that time. It was necessary to build a modern, western style silk-reeling factory to produce high quality silk which fulfill the Western countries requests.


There were five reasons why Tomioka was chosen to build the
government management huge silk mill. There were five reasons why Tomioka was chosen to build the mill.

1) Sericulture was already prospered in Tomioka.
So that, there were good quality cocoon there.
2) A large land was available to build the mill.
3) There was enough clean water which was necessary for
producing silk from a nearby river.
4) Coals and power steam engines were available in the
nearby towns.
5) Local residents agreed to the construction of a factory
directed by foreigners.

The guide who gave us a tour of the facility said that the #5 was the most difficult condition which Japanese government had hard time to fulfill. Japanese people were not used to see foreigners back then. So, people afraid to have foreigners in their town. Tomioka, a very small town, was the only one site which fulfilled all the condition among other candidate sites.


Japanese government built the mill, and hired a French director and engineers.
Even after they built the huge mill, then the government had hard time to gather young ladies who work at the site. Again, they afraid to work with French leaders.

Later, a couple of hundreds girls worked at the mill.
They came from all over Japan. After they worked hard and
learned how to reeling silk, they went back to their home and
taught their technique to others. That movement supported to produce high quality
silk, and make Japan wealthy and strong.


We, Japanese people, were wearing Kimono at that time. As you already know, most of kimono and obi are made from silk. Japanese people used to grow silk warm, spin yarn, weave silk, then sew kimono at home. Silk and kimono were very close to our life. Visiting Tomioka Silk Mill reminds me how close silk was to our life back then. I need to put my cell phone away and spend more quality time in kimono!

The tour was very interesting and educational. I learned a lot about history of Japanese silk. Although the mill is no longer in function, Tomioka is still one of the major produce centers of silk in Japan.
Why don't you stop by the mill if you ever have a chance to visit Japan with Japan Rail Pass!

Official web site of Tomioka Silk Mill


(There is a short note about Junko- who made cute umbrella, bags and dress from one piece of yukata. Her sister is a jewelry artist and her exhibition is held in KYOTO SAGA UNIVERSITY OF ARTS.

If you happen to be near Arashiyama, Kyoto and if you are interested in handmade jewlry, Junko's sister, Ryoko Hayashi will be there showing her work!) from Sep 24 to Oct 30.


「林遼子ジュエリー 祈りの形象」|イベント|学校法人 大覚寺学園 京都嵯峨芸術大学 京都嵯峨芸術大学短期大学部


Kimono Flea Market ICHIROYA's News Letter No.662




Dear Ichiroya Newsletter Readers,

Konnichiwa from Yoko again! Ogenki desuka?
Hope everyone had a nice summer! (for those in the southern hemisphere, enjoyed your winter?)
Well, it is very difficult to write a newsletter after Nagisa's story about Junko's amazing crafts work.
See, I live a very low profile life.... I am just an ordinary working mom!!! (sigh)
Demo.., here I go.

As you know, Ichiroya takes two long holidays a year at Obon and Oshogatsu.
The past month, our office was closed for Obon for one whole week!
During every Obon holiday, I go to my parents' place in Nara and meet up with my brother's family to visit our family grave together.
For those who does not know Obon, Obon is an annual Buddhist event for commemorating ancestors. .
It is believed that each year during Obon, the ancestors' spirits return to this world in order to visit their relatives.
Sounds rather scary, but it is pretty much a family get together time(dead or alive?) of the year.
I am fortunate to still have a Furusato(home) so close, with families to meet at every Obon. Kansha!
Oh, and of course, I brought Marin(my beagle) to my parents' place as she is a part of our family.
There used to be a Shiba dog named 'Hello' at my parents' place, but he passed away last summer, so I am sure Marin enjoyed 'Hello' again on this past Obon.

Did I ever mentioned that my grandfather used to have an antique store in Osaka?
Antique for him when he was young must have been things from Meiji Period(1868-1912) or earlier.
When I went to see him at his place when I was a child, I remember he had many old clocks, furniture, etc..
I was only a child, so I did not know what those old things meant, but if I see those things now, I am sure I would scream!

Speaking of antique things, have you ever heard of Boro? which also read as 'Ranru'?
It comes from a Japanese word 'Boroboro' which literary means ragged, battered or beat-up in Japanese.
In old times, people had put scraps of used fabrics and patch worked them together to make a cloth or clothes, and they were reused and repeated its process but cherished for generations.
When it is torn and become Boroboro, another ragged fabric was applied and stitched over to strengthen.
However, after many years passed, those retouched surfaces which appear smudged, raved, and look even more 'Boroboro', somehow are starting to look quite appealing to the modern eyes!
Nowadays, Boro are known as 'unintended' art or 'Mottainai' art and very much valued and admired by many designers and artists all over the world.
We are proud to say that Boro has become an universal word and a form of 'art'. Subarashii!!


na0905 | Flickr


I have seen a Boro become a wall hanging, couch cover, or even a modern stylish Jacket!
Once what was dirty with no value is now what everyone seeks as an art article.
My grandpa maybe had some Boro in his store, but I am sure it was not for sale.
They were probably covering the floor or used as a dust cover. Only if he knew what I know now!!!

Here are some amazing Boro we have at Ichiroya!









There are so many more!, just look up under 'Ranru' or 'Boro' as keywords.
Thank you so much for reading! arigato gozaimasu


キモノッテ 在庫ありの商品です!


モチーフ:よろけ縞 カラー:黒



モチーフ:犬の足跡 カラー:白


モチーフ:水玉に鳥とバラ カラー:薄紫


モチーフ:ぼかしに鳥とバラ カラー:水色



モチーフ:幾何学に蝶 カラー:柿


 モチーフ:縞と蝶02 カラー:紺色




モチーフ:フルーツ カラー:白




モチーフ:鳥とチューリップ カラー:茶色



モチーフ:鳥とチューリップ カラー:緑





モチーフ:車と時計 カラー:クリーム  MサイズとLサイズ・在庫ございます




モチーフ:桜と蝶 カラー:黒 Lサイズ在庫ございます


Kimono Flea Market ICHIROYA's News Letter No.661


Hi! This is Nagisa from Ichiroya. Guten Tag! (When I was a college student, I studied German.)
Unfortunately, I do not have any T-shirts funny enough to introduce you, but here are some wonderful items instead.
See the top image!
These are umbrella, fan, one-piece dress and two bags.
Did you notice something? Yes, they have the same pattern! Do you want to know why?
Because... they are made from one Yukata! Yes, one Yukata with sunflower pattern transformed into these original items!
Can you believe it? I'm so sorry but these are not for sale!
These are all handmade by Junko!!!





The bags are for herself and for her daughter, Tsumugi.


Did you recognize the white part? This is made of Hakata obi. This one is summer type and the part gives the summer atmosphere!




She made the embroidered sunflower (the petals are also made by her! )


Uchiwa, fan also was made from yukata fabric!



The cute summer dress for her daughter!

She is a homemaker, mother of a little girl and our coworker. How skillful! Besides, I wonder how can she afford her time to make them. However, she says they are easy to make. Surprisingly, you can make an umbrella comfortably with a kit for handmade umbrella. If you use a bolt, you don't need to unpick a Yukata.

[ Cute! ]
1) Penguin Pattern Cotton Bolt


2) Tsujigahana Pattern Silk Bolt


[ Chic! ]
3) Dots on Curvy Line Pattern Silk Bolt
4) Yatara-Jima Pattern Silk Bolt


[ Exotic! ]
5) Karabana Pattern Silk Bolt
6) Sarasa on Shell Pattern Silk Bolt


[ Unique! ]
7) Logo of Cosmo Oil Co. Pattern Cotton Bolt


8) Vegetable Pattern Silk Bolt


[ Vintage! ]
9) Children Pattern Silk Bolt


10) Kiku Pattern Silk Bolt


Did you find something you want? Oh, here is one more thing I want to introduce you.



This was a Nagoya Obi, but it is pre-tied Obi now. It is also Junko's handmade one. Does this pattern look familiar? She bought it at Ichiroya and remade it. The obi was not lined type, and she added blue cotton fabric to make the obi into pre-tied obi.

She is also active and has endless curiosity. A few weeks ago, she jointed a trial class of Bengara Dyeing with her little child named Tsumugi. (cute name, isn't it?) And she introduced us the experience and their original works. They are also so attractive!

Let's enjoy making your original items, and please show me your favorite one! Someday, I will. Someday...




Kimono Flea Market ICHIROYA's News Letter No.660




Dear ICHIROYA Newsletter readers,

Hello! Bonjour! Nihao! Buon Giorno! Guten Tag! Konichiwa! These are greetings in some languages. I studied some languages at university, but... I(hi, it's Mei from Ichiroya!) just only remember easy greetings. haha Well, when I was an elementary school student, I learned one song for practicing the recorder, "March of So-La-Ti-Do". That song sings that "hello, bonjour, nihao, buon giorno, guten tag, konichiwa". I loved it at that time, and we enjoyed playing recorder and singing in the music class .And that was what influenced me to have an interest in foreign languages.

By the way, do you know "Nutella"? That is chocolate spread and it's my faaaaaavorite! It is sweet and melts in my mouth. But Japanese summer is not sweet just hot and melt us. However, Japanese summer is a good season for fresh and yummy vegetables. There are, for example, tomato, cucumber, eggplant, and corn. Those vivid colors make me to think "oh summer is here!". So today I want to show you some of our kimonos and obis with vegetable designs.

1) Tomato? or Persimmon? >>> http://www.ichiroya.com/item/list2/339511/
2) Vegetables on the Bamboo Basket >>> http://www.ichiroya.com/item/list2/314233/
3) Circle Fruit Design >>> http://www.ichiroya.com/item/list2/332374/
4) Full of Small Eggplant >>> http://www.ichiroya.com/item/list2/272127/
5) Unique Vegetables >>> http://www.ichiroya.com/item/list2/321846/

【 OBI 】
1) Onion on Geometric Design >>> http://www.ichiroya.com/item/list2/327045/
2) Vegetable & Fish Collaboration >>> http://www.ichiroya.com/item/list2/325410/
3) Vegetable & Fish Collaboration Part.2 >>> http://www.ichiroya.com/item/list2/292202/
4) Circle Fruit on Blue >>> http://www.ichiroya.com/item/list2/317632/
5) Vegetables on Film Pattern >>> http://www.ichiroya.com/item/list2/294739/

Do you like them? We have more items other than Kimonos and Obis with vegetable designs  too. And there are, for example, Obidome(charms to put on obijime) and Juban (underkimono)too. All of them are so charming design and you will like them! However, there are not so many items of vegetable designs, so don't miss them!!

Here is one more story I want to tell you (not about vegetables again). Well, have you ever been to music festival? A few weeks ago, I went to "SUMMER SONIC" in Osaka. It is one of the biggest and the most famous music festivals in Japan. It was 4th times for me to join it since 2013. Every time I wear summer sonic design T-shirt or some artist's design T-shirt. But this time, I chose and wore one white T-shirt. Some friends say to me "Mei, that's so funny! You're weird." But of course I don't mind. haha It printed "KA-LA-A-GE" in Japanese with red letters in the middle of the front side. Just only this word on white base.  See the top image! Now, you see the reason why I put the funny image there!  Oh, yeah yeah kalaage is deep-fried chicken. Yes, chicken. When I found it at the shop, I felt it calls me and wants me to take home. It's destiny!! Yes, I know, I know, now you are laughing, right? Thank you, thank you. :P

But you know what, because I was wearing it, I made friends soon with someone who are unknown and foreign visitors at summer sonic. (thank you, kalaage!!) But... it was just just scorching hot days. Maximum temperature was 38℃. You know that is more over my body temperature. Oh dear! Like getting flu! For this reason, what's happen for me do you think? Well, I got the clearly shapes of sunburn of sandals at my insteps. Yeah such sunburn, at my insteps, is my first experience. At first, I said "Ohhh Mmmmy Goooood!!!" for many times and I was just shocked and shocked. But now, it makes me just laugh every time I look it. It looks like well-cooked small toasts. Oh I need Nutella. haha

Anyway, summer still continues. Please take care of yourself. And don't forget to put sunscreen at your insteps if you go somewhere with sandals like me. hehe

Thank you for reading. I'm so glad if you laugh with my newsletter.
It was Mei from Ichiroya. See you next time :D Bye-bye!