


Kimono Flea Market ICHIROYA's News Letter No.697

'The Social Life of Kimono': Innovation faces tradition in the fight to keep kimono relevant | The Japan Times www.japantimes.co.jp Hello from Yuka from Ichiroya. Today, I would like to introduce this book by Sheila Cliff. I have just fini…

Kimono Flea Market ICHIROYA's News Letter No.696

#331946 $68.00 Dear Newsletter readers, Konnichiwa, this is Mari.It is one of my important duties at Ichiroya to answer all the questions from our customers via email. The most frequently asked question could be "How to take care of kimono…

出島「ぺっぴん」きもの展***魅惑のアンティーク着物コレクション展 in 長崎

イチロウヤをご覧の皆様、アンティーク着物をお好きな皆様 ご案内させていただいておりました、長崎のアンティーク着物コレクターの田川様のアンティーク着物コレクション展に行ってまいりました。 これほどの数のアンティーク着物が一同に、しかもほとんど…

Kimono Flea Market ICHIROYA's News Letter No.695

Konnichiwa everyone! This is Yoko writing this week's newsletter. Ogenki desuka?Our Golden Week holiday was really nice with lots of sunshine and blue sky. How was your weekend?I did not go anywhere special just stayed locally, worked in m…

Vintage kimono photos (Kimono Flea Market ICHIROYA's News Letter No.694)

Dear Ichiroya news letter readers, Ohayogozaimasu, good morning from Yuka. It is Monday morning(May 08th) and we are all back from the Golden Week holidays. I apologize you regarding the newsletter No. 694 which was sent you about 6 hours …

Kimono Flea Market ICHIROYA's News Letter No.694

On April 29th, I travelled to Nagasaki to visit Akemi san's vintage kimono collection. Nagasaki is really far from Osaka(about five hours taking shinkansen) but I really wanted to go, and was so looking forward to see this exhibition. She …