

Kimono Flea Market ICHIROYA's News Letter No.842


Our favorite vintage bird furisode


I like to talk about our good friend Akemi san from Nagasaki in this newsletter.


Nagasaki is one of the prefecture in Kyusyu island in Japan. Nagasaki has a unique history (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagasaki) . The city of Nagasaki has a lot of historical sight seeing places yet it is a local city and there was no vintage kimono shops.

Akemi san (Akemi Tagawa) has been a collector of vintage kimono and has been our customer over 10 years. Before we met, she was collecting vintage kimono by visiting actual antique stores. In 2017, she had her first exhibition of her collection in Dejima in Nagasaki. This shows she has this ability to take action ( she is a petite woman  but full of energy!)

I wrote about her exhibition in our past newsletter:


In her newsletter, she wrote her dream of showing her collection became true, but it was just a beginning. The exhibition was held in spring and then she opened her own vintage kimono shop at the end of the same year!



She is planning to hold another exhibition next year, and says she is appreciating this emergency moment for the preparation of the exhibition.

Whenever I talk with her, I am overwhelmed by her passion toward vintage kimono.

At her facebook page, she was sharing her mother's photo. Her mother has passed away 

in March after being ill for 15 years.

She was clening out her belongings and found the photo of her mother wearing this kinsha silk kimono. She is always enchanged by decorative, romantic design kimono but somehow she liked this kimono from her mother but did not know her mother was wearing this kimono actually until she found the photo. The kimono is now her treasure with her mother's memory. 



Akemi san's mother in her kimono


Akemi san wearing her mother's kimono

This pandemic of the CoronaVirus is causing a lot of damage to everyone, and this long time sheltered life is giving us unspeakable fear, of course about the desease itself but also the damage of economy. She said `kimono never get rotten' in her cheerful voice.

I have been hearing people speaking negative words in gloomy tone recently ( I think I myself was starting to forget smile) but her voice made me smile.

She does not have webstore, her actual store is in Nagasaki.

This is her shop:



She started to show her collection at Facebook page, I am sure you can enjoy her collection items. https://www.facebook.com/%E3%82%A2%E3%83%B3%E3%83%86%E3%82%A3%E3%83%BC%E3%82%AF%E3%81%8D%E3%82%82%E3%81%AE-%E3%81%B9%E3%81%A3%E3%81%B4%E3%82%93-2047867892156956/