

キモノッテ 在庫ありの商品です!


モチーフ:よろけ縞 カラー:黒



モチーフ:犬の足跡 カラー:白


モチーフ:水玉に鳥とバラ カラー:薄紫


モチーフ:ぼかしに鳥とバラ カラー:水色



モチーフ:幾何学に蝶 カラー:柿


 モチーフ:縞と蝶02 カラー:紺色




モチーフ:フルーツ カラー:白




モチーフ:鳥とチューリップ カラー:茶色



モチーフ:鳥とチューリップ カラー:緑





モチーフ:車と時計 カラー:クリーム  MサイズとLサイズ・在庫ございます




モチーフ:桜と蝶 カラー:黒 Lサイズ在庫ございます


Kimono Flea Market ICHIROYA's News Letter No.662




Dear Ichiroya Newsletter Readers,

Konnichiwa from Yoko again! Ogenki desuka?
Hope everyone had a nice summer! (for those in the southern hemisphere, enjoyed your winter?)
Well, it is very difficult to write a newsletter after Nagisa's story about Junko's amazing crafts work.
See, I live a very low profile life.... I am just an ordinary working mom!!! (sigh)
Demo.., here I go.

As you know, Ichiroya takes two long holidays a year at Obon and Oshogatsu.
The past month, our office was closed for Obon for one whole week!
During every Obon holiday, I go to my parents' place in Nara and meet up with my brother's family to visit our family grave together.
For those who does not know Obon, Obon is an annual Buddhist event for commemorating ancestors. .
It is believed that each year during Obon, the ancestors' spirits return to this world in order to visit their relatives.
Sounds rather scary, but it is pretty much a family get together time(dead or alive?) of the year.
I am fortunate to still have a Furusato(home) so close, with families to meet at every Obon. Kansha!
Oh, and of course, I brought Marin(my beagle) to my parents' place as she is a part of our family.
There used to be a Shiba dog named 'Hello' at my parents' place, but he passed away last summer, so I am sure Marin enjoyed 'Hello' again on this past Obon.

Did I ever mentioned that my grandfather used to have an antique store in Osaka?
Antique for him when he was young must have been things from Meiji Period(1868-1912) or earlier.
When I went to see him at his place when I was a child, I remember he had many old clocks, furniture, etc..
I was only a child, so I did not know what those old things meant, but if I see those things now, I am sure I would scream!

Speaking of antique things, have you ever heard of Boro? which also read as 'Ranru'?
It comes from a Japanese word 'Boroboro' which literary means ragged, battered or beat-up in Japanese.
In old times, people had put scraps of used fabrics and patch worked them together to make a cloth or clothes, and they were reused and repeated its process but cherished for generations.
When it is torn and become Boroboro, another ragged fabric was applied and stitched over to strengthen.
However, after many years passed, those retouched surfaces which appear smudged, raved, and look even more 'Boroboro', somehow are starting to look quite appealing to the modern eyes!
Nowadays, Boro are known as 'unintended' art or 'Mottainai' art and very much valued and admired by many designers and artists all over the world.
We are proud to say that Boro has become an universal word and a form of 'art'. Subarashii!!


na0905 | Flickr


I have seen a Boro become a wall hanging, couch cover, or even a modern stylish Jacket!
Once what was dirty with no value is now what everyone seeks as an art article.
My grandpa maybe had some Boro in his store, but I am sure it was not for sale.
They were probably covering the floor or used as a dust cover. Only if he knew what I know now!!!

Here are some amazing Boro we have at Ichiroya!









There are so many more!, just look up under 'Ranru' or 'Boro' as keywords.
Thank you so much for reading! arigato gozaimasu